
My Story

My sensitivity is my most defining characteristic and today I can say that with pride. But it wasn’t always like this. In the past, I would shrink with shame whenever people commented on my “shyness”, called me “guarded” or “antisocial” and rolled their eyes at my “overthinking”. I took all of these comments as proof that I didn’t fit in. 

I don’t know about you but I found it pretty hard growing up as a Highly Sensitive Person and not knowing that that’s what I was!

In addition to being an HSP, I’m also a TCK, which stands for Third Culture Kid. TCKs are people who grew up in a culture different from their parents’ culture and therefore don’t have a strong sense of belonging in any country or culture. In my case, I spent a big part of my childhood in international schools around the world, which was great but also confusing and lonely. 

Before I knew that I was an HSP, I thought my third culture identity was the root of my problems. I even explored it creatively and ended up writing, co-directing and starring in a play about it, which was staged in a theater in London.

As a univeristy student in London, during my prolonged quest to “figure myself out” and find a sense of belonging, I discovered yoga. Over the years since stepping into my first class, I have delved deeper and deeper into this fascinating and complex practice. I have learned that yoga is so much more than a physical practice. Yoga offers so many tools to help us feel calm, grounded and connected in a world that can often feel overwhelming.